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West Indian Rock Iguana

  • Environment

Hot temperatures

Scrub woodland and mangrove

  • Food

Herbivores, leaves, flowers and fruits from over 100 different plants species

  • Adaptations
  • Overall Description

Pale ivory scales on head
dewlaps of males are pink
blue scales around eyes
1.5 ft at most
long straight tail
short powerful limbs
sharp claws
colours range from dark grey to light brown with some noticeable banding
up to 7kg
approx 15 year life span

The Desert Iguana

  • Environment

Hot temperature conditions

Dry sandy desert areas near creosote bush or arid tropical scrub, sometimes found in rocky stream beds

Tropical deciduous forest

  • Food

Herbivores, buds and leaves from desert bush

  • Adaptations

Can change from sandy brownish colour to almost white hue due to heat

Longer tail than body for balance

agile limbs

camouflage colour with the desert

  • Overall description

Around 40 cm in length

Brownish, sandy hue

Longer tail than body

light spots on body that turn tostripes on tail


very light underbelly

The Marine Iguana

  • Environment

Warm temperature conditions

Shoreline both only slightly eroded beaches and very eroded cliffs

Ocean temperature ranges from 7 to 28 degrees centigrade

Most of the islands have at least slight volcanic action

  • Food

Marine algae as well as seaweed that clings closely to rocks

  • Adaptations

Short blunt snouts, razor sharp teeth for scraping algae off of rocks

Incredibly long alligator like tails for propultion and steering while underwater

Long, sharp claws for clinging to rocks both on land and underwater in heavy currents

Dark gray colouring to better absorb sunlight

Speacial glands to clean blood of extra salt

  • Overall Description

4-5 feet long in total size

1-3.3 ibs

Wide set eyes

Tail longer than body

Smashed in faces

Spiky dorsal scales

each island has unique shape and colour


Fiji Banded Iguan​a

  • Environment

Wet islands in central part of fiji
Moist green forest
Expected to occur up to 500 m above sea level, have only been recently observed at 200m

  • Food

Herbivores, leaves, flowers and fruit fro trees and shrubs. Particularly the hibiscus flowers of the Vau tree and fruit such as banana and papaya

  • Adaptations


Balanced tail for jumping from branch to branch

  • Overall Description

Emerald-Green with distinctive vertical blue to light green stripes

Long tail for balance

Light underbelly

Red orange eyes

Line of crusted scales down back

Medium size

Yellow snout

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